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Mortgage Calculator
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Mortgage Process
Verbal valuation and pre-approval
To avoid the problem of undervaluation, you should do a verbal valuation and pre-approval by mReferral or bank before signing the contract.
Mortgage Process
Sign the Provisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase
To avoid the problem of undervaluation, you should do a verbal valuation and pre-approval by mReferral or bank before signing the contract.
Mortgage Process
Seek advice from mReferral
Apply for a mortgage loan from at least three banks. If you want to apply in one go, mReferral would definitely help.
Mortgage Process
Submit documents
Provisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase, copy of ID card of borrower and guarantor (if any), income proof, e.g. employment contract/latest salary slip, bank book/statements showing salary income or latest tax demand note
Mortgage Process
Bank approves mortgage application
It usually takes a week to a month for the bank to approve a mortgage. Compare and choose the bank with the most suitable terms, and sign the letter of loan offer with bank. The bank will send a letter to your law firm to inform the lawyer to prepare the mortgage deed.
Mortgage Process
Sign documents at law firm
Before the transaction day, the buyer and the guarantor (if any) go to the law firm to sign the mortgage deed and other documents required by the bank.
Mortgage Process
Complete transaction
The law firm informs the bank that the bank will deliver the loan to the law firm to arrange delivery to the seller, and the transaction is completed. After the transaction is completed, the bank will issue a cash rebate for the mortgage within one month. In addition, a repayment process table will be sent to inform customers of the detailed information of the principal, interest and balance of the monthly payment.
Property valuation

Real time bank API

Get the real-time API info from all banks in Hong Kong. Fast & convenient!

Application programming interface (API) is a computer programming approach for facilitating exchange of information and executing instructions between different computer systems. Effective implementation of Open API will enable, for example, information of different banks' products and services to be aggregated under the same website/app for comparison and financial planning by users with ease. New service providers may also make use of the open information to offer unique products and new customer experience. (Source: Hong Kong Monetary Authority)

If you wish to apply the following mortgage plan, you may click "Enquiry to mReferral" to enter mReferral's mortgage referral services application form. This application is made to mReferral ONLY. If you wish to apply mortgage service offered by a particular bank through mReferral, you can choose the corresponding option after you have made your application to mReferral's mortgage referral service.

Please note that, in collaboration with banks, mReferral offer mortgage referral service ONLY. Other mortgage-related services offered by mReferral are not in collaboration with banks. Mortgage offered by banks are not offered in collaboration with mReferral.

The following real time information is provided by banks and is for reference only. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at 319-66688.

PlanOfferCash rebate
HighAdvance MortgageFor HIBOR Plan: as low as H+1.40%, cap at P-1.75%. For Best Lending Rate Plan: as low as P-1.75%. (H and P refer to HIBOR and Best Lending Rate quoted by HSBC respectively.)-
Government Housing SchemesFor HIBOR Plan: as low as H+1.40%, cap at P-1.75%. For Best Lending Rate Plan: as low as P-1.75%. (H and P refer to HIBOR and Best Lending Rate quoted by HSBC respectively.)-
Home Mortgage LoanFor HIBOR Plan: as low as H+1.40%, cap at P-1.75%. For Best Lending Rate Plan: as low as P-1.75%. (H and P refer to HIBOR and Best Lending Rate quoted by HSBC respectively.)-
PlanOfferCash rebate
Prime-based Mortgage PlanResidential Properties: as low as P-2.25% to 1.75%(P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
HIBOR Mortgage PlanResidential Propertiesas low as H+1.3% to 1.5%, cap at P-2.25% to 1.75%(H is the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR) and P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
Mortgage Insurance ProgrammeResidential PropertiesHIBOR Mortgage Plan:as low as H+1.3% to 1.5%, cap at P-2.25% to 1.75%Prime-based Mortgage Plan: P-2.25% to 1.75%(H is the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR) and P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
Government Housing Scheme Mortgage Planas low as P-2.25% to 1.75%(P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
'Smart' Mortgage SchemeResidential Propertiesas low as H+1.3% to 1.5%, cap at P-2.25% to 1.75%Prime-based Mortgage Plan: as low as P-2.25% to 1.75%(H is the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR) and P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
PlanOfferCash rebate
Conventional Mortgage PlanIn general, HIBOR Mortgage: H+1.3% (Cap at P-1.75%)Case by case
Mortgage-Link Loan SchemePrime-based mortgage: P-1.75% / HIBOR Mortgage: H+1.3% (Cap at P-1.75%)Case by case
Property RefinancingPrime-based mortgage: P-1.75% / HIBOR Mortgage: H+1.3% (Cap at P-1.75%)Case by case
Property Secured Overdraft FacilityFirst 6 months: P-1%, Starting from 7th month: P+1%-
Mortgage Loans for Government Housing SchemeIn general, Prime-based mortgage: P-1.75% / HIBOR Mortgage: H+1.3% (Cap at P-1.75%)Case by case
Hang Seng Mortgage Insurance ProgrammePrime-based mortgage: P-1.75% / HIBOR Mortgage: H+1.3% (Cap at P-1.75%)Case by case
PlanOfferCash rebate
Non-Residential Mortgage LoansH Plan H+1.7% (Cap at P-2.65%)-
Residential Mortgage LoansH Plan as low as H+1.4% (Cap up to P-2.75%)0.6%
Government Housing Scheme Mortgage LoansP Plan as low as P-2.75%0.6%
PlanOfferCash rebate
Prime-based mortgagePrime - 2.75%-
Home smart mortgagePrime - 2.75%-
Advance on mortgage / Property Refinancing serviceHIBOR+1.5% (Cap at P-2.75%)/ Prime-2.75%-
HIBOR deposit-linked Mortgage HIBOR+1.5% (Cap at P-2.75%)-
90% mortgageHIBOR+1.5% (Cap at P-2.75%)/ Prime-2.75%-
HIBOR mortgageHIBOR+1.5% (Cap at P-2.75%)-
Prime deposit-linked mortgage Prime - 2.75%-
PlanOfferCash rebate
Mortgage PlusBase on Prime/Hibor rate-
90% Mortgage PlanBase on Prime/Hibor rate-
Prime Rate-Based Mortgage PlanBase on Prime rate-
Hibor Rate-Based Mortgage PlanBase on Hibor rate-
Home Ownership Scheme Mortgage PlanBase on Prime rate-
PlanOfferCash rebate
Residential Mortgage PlanBased on the CCBA 1-month HIBOR, as low as HIBOR + 1.4% (cap. at P-1%). Based on Prime-based plan, as low as P-1% (P is the CCBA Best Lending Rate, which is 6.125% p.a. currently)-
Car Park LoanBased on Prime-based plan, as low as P% (P is the CCBA Best Lending Rate, which is 6.125% p.a. currently). Minimum loan amount HK$500,000-
PlanOfferCash rebate
Smart' Mortgage SchemeHIBOR Mortgage Plan:as low as HIBOR+1.30%, cap at P-2.00%Prime-based Mortgage Plan:as low as P-2.00%(P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate, which is 6.125%p.a. currently)Up to 2.00% cash reward for residential properties
All-You-Want' Mortgage SchemeHIBOR Mortgage Plan:as low as HIBOR+1.30%, cap at P-2.00%Prime-based Mortgage Plan:as low as P-2.00%(P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate, which is 6.125%p.a. currently)Up to 2.00% cash reward for residential properties
PlanOfferCash rebate
Fubon Reverse Mortgage Plan for homeowners aged 55 or above to use his/her/their residential property (or more than one property) in Hong Kong as security for taking out a mortgage loan. You will remain as the owner of your property and can continue to stay at your property for the rest of your life; HKMC’s Hong Kong Prime Rate - 2.5%-
Fubon 90% Mortgage PlanIt is only applicable to loan amount which is HK$500,000 or above; mortgage loan amount above 70% of the purchase price or the appraised value of the property (whichever is lower); Plan 1: Prime%; Plan 2 : Bank 1, 3 or 6 month HIBOR interest rate +1.3% or Prime%; whichever is lower0.2%
Residential Mortgage Plan _Corporate It is only applicable to loan amount which is HK$500,000 or above; mortgage loan amount equal to or below 70% of the purchase price or the appraised value of the property (whichever is lower); Prime%0.2%
Fubon HIBOR Mortgage Plan_Corporate It is only applicable to loan amount which is HK$1,000,000 or above; mortgage loan amount equal or below 70% of the purchase price or the appraised value of the property (whichever is lower); Bank 1, 3 or 6 month HIBOR interest rate +1.3% or Prime%; whichever is lower (for Residential Property)0.2%
Residential Mortgage Plan _Individual It is only applicable to loan amount which is HK$500,000 or above; mortgage loan amount equal to or below 70% of the purchase price or the appraised value of the property (whichever is lower); Prime%0.2%
Fubon HIBOR Mortgage Plan _Individual It is only applicable to loan amount which is HK$1,000,000 or above; mortgage loan amount equal or below 70% of the purchase price or the appraised value of the property (whichever is lower); Bank 1, 3 or 6 month HIBOR interest rate +1.3% or Prime rate - 2.875%; whichever is lower (for Residential Property)0.2%
Fubon Mortgage Plan for Government Home Ownership SchemeFubon Mortgage Plan for Government Home Ownership Scheme (the “Plan”) is only applicable to loan amount which is HK$500,000 or above (For loan amount below HK$500,000, Fubon Bank (the “Bank”) will consider the application on a case-by-case basis); Prime%0.2%
PlanOfferCash rebate
Government Housing Scheme Mortgage LoanAs low as HKD Prime Rate - 2.00%p.a.-
Residential Property Mortgage LoanAs low as HKD Prime Rate - 2.00%p.a.-
Residential Property Mortgage Loan As low as HKD Prime Rate - 2.00%p.a.-
Important Notice